Eligibility Criteria
General Eligibility Criteria
- People aged 60 or over with dependencies related to: the aging process, a previous illness or injury, a sustained or periodic impairment; or a physical disability.
- People who are age 18-59 may be eligible for services if:
- They have a physical disability or physically debilitating chronic illness, (Example: heart disease, cancer, arthritis, diabetes) ** OR
- They are clients of Hospice Quinte; AND
Family/friends/caregivers are not available or able to provide services; AND
There is a demonstrated need for services from Community Care for South Hastings.
- Services that are provided are intended to help the client to maintain their independence in the community.
- The client resides in the area served by Community Care for South Hastings (Belleville including Thurlow, Deseronto, and Tyendinaga Township).
- Other individuals may be accepted with the recommendation of a Coordinator and at the discretion of the agency Executive Director.
- Eligibility for services is based upon assessed need.
- The agency does not have the mandate or the financial and human resources to serve people with a developmental handicap; people with an acquired brain injury; or people with mental health and addictions issues.
- The agency does not have the mandate or the financial and human resources to provide additional, supplementary services for individuals who are served by other sectors or other organizations, such as the Canadian Cancer Society or long term care facilities.
- Clients will be served subject to the availability of a volunteer/helper.
- Clients may be refused service if presenting signs of substance abuse or intoxication at the time that service is being given by a Community Care volunteer/helper.
- Clients may be refused service if the client or volunteer/helper is deemed to be at risk.
- Clients may be required to supply an attendant for a trip with a volunteer driver if, at the discretion of agency staff, one is deemed necessary.
- Clients will be registered with Community Care through the use of an InterRAI Community Health Assessment Form
- Clients who meet the eligibility criteria will be accepted if, at the time of assessment, it is determined that service is required beyond that available through family and friends.
- Clients with financial needs may be referred to social services, Veterans Affairs or other applicable organizations for assessment, with the client’s consent. A Client’s inability to pay a service fee should not be a deterrent to receiving service.
- Clients may be referred to other helping agencies, with the client’s consent.